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Start with Choosy, and once your book has sales and reviews under its belt, the biggest promo services will accept your book too!   🙂

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About our Scheduling Process

Currently, scheduling occurs every Sunday.  So, please make sure to submit your book by Saturday evening if you want to have your book promoted the next week.  We typically do not schedule features for Saturdays or Sundays and, due to high volume, cannot schedule a feature without it being submitted at least a week in advance.  If you would like to know the scheduled promotion date(s) of your book(s), simply email us at choosybookworm@gmail.com and we will happily send you that information.

Ready to get started? 

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Normal: $29
Sale: $14.50
Normal: $59
Sale: $29.50
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Sale: $34.50
Normal: $149
Sale: $74.50
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X Dedicated Social Media Post for your book when your book is featured X Dedicated Social Media Post for your book when your book is featured
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Link to Your Website
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    • Jay

      Hi Morgan! Thank you so very much! You don’t know how much that means to me! I am truly honored that you nominated Choosy for an IUEA! Thank you, thank you, thank you! :o)

  1. Samantha

    Hi Jay,
    I just had a quick question in regards to the review requirements. Can the reviews be from two different sites to total up to 8, or do all 8 have to be on the same website?


    • Jay

      Hi Samantha,
      yes they can be from different sites. (Amazon/GoodReads or Amazon International sites).

      All the best,

      – Jay

  2. Demy

    Hi Jay

    Re. R&R – Just checking that the reviews will go onto Amazon.com?


    • Jay

      Hi Demy,

      yes the readers are requested to post them on Amazon.com. Sometimes (rarely) readers do not have access to post a review on Amazon.com, in which case we ask them to post to GoodReads.

  3. Jay (and any other bookworms),
    I just completed my two day Amazon giveaway promo with the added benefit of having a guaranteed feature listing in your Free listings. I consider this a great success. I had my 4th best overall day and 2nd best multi-day promotion.
    I can say that I am fully satisfied with the service provided and will strongly consider advertising with you again in the future.

    Thanks for everything and look forward to working with you again!


  4. Colin Kortekaas

    Hey Jay, and anyone working to make choosy bookworm a great site for indie authors. I just completed a three day free book promotion of my Novel ‘Titan Lost’ with your guaranteed feature and it was a huge success, as I gave away more than I have with any other websites paid promotions. I will definitely utilize your affordable author promotion features in the near future.
    thanks, and keep up the great work.
    Colin Kortekaas

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