New book? Few or No Reviews? Start here!
We’ll feature your book even if it has no or few reviews. It’s our way of giving back to the author community!
Have you ever been frustrated by trying to get a new book “off the ground”?
Amazon sells millions of books, but how do you make your book stand out?
Many experienced authors will tell you that advertising with large book promoting companies, such as BookBub, will help your book soar.
However, most large book promoters don’t accept books that have fewer than 10 reviews…in the case of Bookbub, a book might even need to have more than 20 or even 100 reviews before it would be accepted.
But how do you get your book read by enough readers to accumulate that kind of feedback?
Promote eBooks with No Reviews
This is where Choosy Bookworm comes in!
We will feature your new eBook, even if it doesn’t have a single review, to our avid and excited readers to help get your book out there! You gotta be able to get started somehow, right?
Promote eBooks with Few Reviews
Or maybe your book has a handful reviews, but not enough to be picked up by large promoters like BookBub yet?
Keep putting your book out there until it has enough “experience” under its belt!
Save BIG when you sign up today!
Save BIG when you sign up today! Book Boost promotions, our Package Deal, offer the best bang for your buck! Your book will be featured a full 3 times in the newsletter and on our site. Premium Boost Features also receive social media attention and stay on our site for an entire week for each of the 3 promos!
Help your book stand out among millions of books by starting here at Choosy Bookworm!
3 Guaranteed Features in our Newsletter | 3 Premium Features in our Newsletter |
3 Guaranteed Features on our Website | 3 Premium Features on our Website |
Featured during week 1, 2, and 4 of promo run (flexible) | Featured during week 1, 2, and 4 of promo run (flexible) |
X | Stays on our Home Page for an entire week (That’s 3 full weeks of Promotion!) |
X | Dedicated Social Media Post for your book when your book is featured |
Link to Your Website (Amazon Author Page or Your Personal Author Site) |
Link to Your Website (Amazon Author Page or Your Personal Author Site) |
Sign Up Below! | Sign Up Below! |